Introducing…The Dead Brothers

We received this track in our in-box from a mysterious someone who may or may not have any connection with The Dead Brothers.

Either way, it is quite the most tasty cover we’ve heard in a long while, Bauhaus’s stonewall goth classic Bela Lugosi’s Dead given a poisonous yet intimate makeover incorporating the doom of Wagner’s gothic and the in-bred sound of cowshit on snakeskin boots.

We don’t know much about The Dead Brothers, except this comes from their recently released fifth album titled The 5th Sin-Phonie and they play a style they term blackgrass (the dark side of bluegrass).

Apparently the album also includes a cover of Teenage Kicks, as well as a number of originals. They describe it thus: fiddles, mandolines and cellos, a devlish slappin’ double bass, a great pump pedal organ from the turn of last century, banjos, the sixties twangy Hopf guitar, hawaian lap-steel, a singing saw and other hobo suitcase percussion.

Yes, that’s the sound of the Dead Brothers! Sounds like a great listen…

The album can be purchased here.

Download The Dead Brothers – Bela Lugosi’s Dead mp3 (from The 5th Sin-Phonie)

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