Introducing…Savaging Spires

We know very little about Savaging Spires – their e-mail to us had no information other than a request to listen to a track, Bending The Rules For Brian.

We did, firstly, who wouldn’t listen to a song with a title like that, and secondly it is taken from their debut eponymous album which is due out in September on Critical Heights – this is the UK label who count MM faves Wooden Wand on their roster of artists.

And the song? It is a suitably spooky slice of freakish folk and drone with a chorus that sounds like a voodoo incantation over slow, ominous backing strings – on this evidence they are a band to keep an eye and both ears on!

Download Savaging Spires – Bending The Rules For Brian mp3 (from Savaging Spires)

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