Mrs Mackerel’s TFI Friday (22nd July)

Mrs Mackerel's TFI Friday (22nd July). After a brief absence last week, of which a lot was lost to a rather brilliant book I was enjoying (Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter); some of it was lost travelling from A to B to C to… Z; some of it to failing technology, and some of it to failing memory.

Gained a little perspective on some matters and caught sight of a little light at the end of the tunnel. School’s out for summer and hopefully it will stop raining for more than a few hours and let us get on with enjoying ourselves. It helps that we’re Truck bound this weekend, to the small but beautifully formed music festival in South Oxfordshire. Can’t wait – should help to shift the rather black mood that developed towards the end of this week.

Some people communicate worse than shite, it has to be said. There are more than a few ways to skin a cat word-wise, so why not offer criticism constructively or even, shock horror, consistently? I really must remain this obtuse for fear of worsening the situation, however, this week’s musical choice sings volumes.

After ranting at MM for a considerable length of time about this particular person’s shortcomings (intellectual/literary/personality-wise/height etc.), warming to my subject after a gin or two, he has of course offered his measured fishy advice. But I find it so much harder when there’s a sprat involved, as I’m sure you’d agree. And I’m also sure that in a previous life, I was a knife-wielding red head with a heaving bosom to match my temper. Still we may yet settle for the “you hold him while I kick” mode of retribution, til then I’ll stay the right side of the law and offer him the proverbial finger in the best (musical) way I know how. Wanker.

Pass me the lime.

Mrs Mackerel  X

Download Frightened Rabbit – Be Less Rude mp3 (Daytrotter Session)

Download Martin Stephenson & The Daintees – Slaughterman mp3 (from Gladstone, Humour And Blue)

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