Mrs Mackerel’s TFI Friday (30th March)


Bang on the money this week, arriving on fishy Friday, right on time. I even sit here sweetly sipping sparkling water, but then again the sun is not even in sight of the yard arm.

Nursing a spot of lower back pain having taken the dog (and myself) for a run this morning in the wrong trainers (a bit like Wallace really, except not trousers, and Monty’s not quite in the intellectual league of Gromit). Trainers without cushioning equals jarred back for old bones. Hence indulging in a new style of free form kitchen dancing – the wiggle-it-just-a-little-bit school of dance. Not quite Zou Bisou Bisou, or even the B side…

And so “it” arrived like an old friend visiting, having been abroad for a while. But now everyone’s crashed the party and the best kept secret is out of the bag. Still it was Madder than ever, and did not disappoint: Joanie in all her finery and Don playing the changed man. We’ll see. What lies ahead?

Zou bisou bisou.

Mrs Mackerel x

Well, what else could we post? A little kiss for a Friday evening.

Download Gillian Hills – Zou Bisou, Bisou mp3

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